Jim Buckman

    “Jesus said to the servants, "Fill the jars with water"; so they filled them to the brim.”  (John 2:7closeJohn 2:7 Jesus said to the servants, “Fill the jars with water.” And they filled them up to the brim. (ESV) closeJohn 2:7closeJohn 2:7 Jesus said to the servants, “Fill the jars with water.” And they filled them up to the brim. (ESV) Jesus said to the servants, “Fill the jars with water.” And they filled them up to the brim. (ESV) ; from the Gospel reading for 1.20.13)

“Working For a Wedding”



Get To Know Your “Neighbor”

     + What sort of preparation can go into a wedding?___________


God’s Blueprint

     + One of the metaphors which God uses for our relationship with Him, is that of marriage- He is the Groom; we the Church are His bride. 

     What sort of hopes do couples have, going into marriage? __________

     Where do people get their ideas about what a good marriage is? __________

     Who do you turn to for marriage advice? __________


     + Jesus gives His disciples very simple instructions and they carry them out. 

     What sort of instructions does Jesus give us today? __________


     + The jars were empty- this is how we are outside of a relationship with Jesus.  His plan is to fill us with the Holy Spirit and He wants to fill us to the brim!  As we are filled up with the Holy Spirit, everything else is replaced, there is no room for anything else other than the Holy Spirit in our vessels. 

     How do the “cracks in our vessels” make us “leak”? __________


God’s Best

    + Weddings are supposed to be a lot of fun- especially for those who are getting married.  Jesus worked at this wedding in Cana- He used His Divine power to miraculously change water into wine.  But, Jesus did His best wedding work at the cross.  Through His death, He paid for our sins; through His resurrection, He provided physical proof- just like the wine which had come from water; that He is in fact God. 

     This was Jesus ministry- to reconcile the world to His Father; to reunite a relationship which sin had separated.  Jesus is still working for a wedding relationship between those who are not restored with their Heavenly Father.  Jesus is still working the miracle of faith in the hearts of unbelievers today; through the Holy Spirit.  Broken vessels are made whole by Him; empty vessels are filled up; our lives are transformed by His miraculous power. 

     Reflect: __________


God’s Baptized

    + What role does Jesus want us to play in helping this happen? __________

One Response to “Working For a Wedding” (John 2:7; Gospel for 1.20.2013)

  1. Adam Wiegand

    Very elegant study, Jim.

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