Rev. Bob Kuppler

“The congregation I serve, Somerset Hills Lutheran Church, Basking Ridge NJ, certainly sounds like it’s a country club.  We’re not, but the people in this very suburban region certainly have a country club mentality. Yet when we open our eyes, we see people among us and all around us that we would not expect.   One in 7 NJ residents are Spanish-speaking people, and many live right here!  It’s definitely not an urban area, yet there are multitudes of people – including the country-clubbers - who hunger and thirst for the nourishment only Christ and His Church can give.


As we begin talking with people we don’t yet know, take an interest in them and build friendships, they will be open to the grace, mercy and peace of the Lord.   This is how we have begunHouseChurchministry and planting.     As we step beyond ourselves, God opens doors.


It begins with one person opening their eyes and seeing the vision of people needing what we often take for granted.  Whether this one person is the pastor or someone the pastor has chosen, the ministry multiplies with each new “friend” that is made.  The Holy Spirit will take care of the next steps. Be ready!


Christ’s Church and His calling to us goes beyond the limits of our building and property lines.  Maybe this is what’s limiting the fruit we’ve been called to bear!”


Pr. Bob Kuppler

One Response to The congregation I serve…

  1. robert baingana

    i wish to know more about house church and how to be come a member
    i live Uganda

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