Comfort dogs from Lutheran Church Charities were requested to provide care to the loved ones of a WWII veteran who recently was called Home.

Comfort dogs from Lutheran Church Charities were also a blessing to the children attending the repast.
Lutheran Church Charities has a very powerful ministry resource- the Comfort Dogs; which can be used to minister to Veterans and their loved ones. The Comfort Dogs have been featured on national news networks for the care they provide after man made and natural disasters.
While we were at our Operation Barnabas Advisory Group meeting in San Antonio; a member of the congregation hosting us- Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church was called Home. Being a veteran of WWII, the family asked if the K-9 Comfort Dogs could be made available to the family and friends at the repast which would be held in the fellowship hall of the church. Tim Hetzner- Director for #LutheranChurchCharities was only to happy.
The Comfort Dogs are trained above the level of a service dog, but they are placed with congregations and ministries who are focused on serving others. Tim Hetzner is anticipating that Lutheran Church Charities will need to fill over 100 requests for Comfort Dogs in 2015. A Comfort Dog requires approximately 12 months worth of training. Please pray about helping in this powerful ministry.
Ministry for our Military