Becoming a House Church Planter Candidate

What percentage of people in your community are in Church on a typical Sunday?

What percentage of your friends are in Church on a typical Sunday?

:) What percentage of your friends like spending time with you?

+          +          +

What part of the Bible do you want to know better?

How much time would you like to spend in prayer in a weekday?  Weekend?

How much time each week can you put into planting thisHouseChurch?

+          +          +

:) What does being a Lutheran mean to you?


STEP TWO: Register yourself as a House Church Planter Candidate

STEP THREE: You will receive your “Get Started” package emailed to you

STEP FOUR: Ask your Pastor to meet with you & review the “Get Started” material with them

STEP FIVE: Together with your Pastor; complete this preliminary step in the development of yourHouseChurch

STEP SIX: Ask your Pastor to enroll as a Supervising Pastor

STEP SEVEN: Enroll in your first House Church Planter Course